Thursday, September 23, 2010

I love crossing things off of my 'To Do' list.

I'll include obvious things, like "showering" and "brushing my teeth," just so I'll have more to cross off.

But I get carried away, and my 'To Do' list gets very, very long. Like, toilet paper-length. Granted, it includes things like "blinking" and "existing," but the length can get so overwhelming that I can't deal with it, and I have a melt-down.

For months, my 'To Do' list either increased my productivity, or reduced me to nihilistic despair.

And then, one day, I included "have a melt-down" on my 'To Do' list. Now that I work it into my schedule, I always feel productive!

...except on the days when I feel wonderful and don't have a melt-down. Those are really depressing.

1 comment:

  1. but at least on non-meltdown days, you that's kinda a win...kinda
